Prenatal Care
Dallas Birth Midwives believe prenatal care is an opportunity for us to build a relationship unique to you with your midwife, educate you on your baby and your body, and prepare you for the birth process. Your safety and care are our utmost priority. We believe the ability to spend an hour at each appointment allows us to be thorough and achieve all these things. We follow the current standard of care with prenatal appointments every month for the first and second trimester, then every two weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly until the baby is born. All lab work is drawn on-site, and we partner with Moody Diagnostics for your ultrasounds done in our office. During your pregnancy, you will be able to reach your midwife directly with any need or concern.
Labor & Birth
Whether you choose to birth at the birth center or in the comfort of your own home, we work to personalize your experience, all while keeping your safety our highest priority. We bring the same medications, holistic care, and equipment at any location. The midwives use many comfort techniques and positions custom to you and your baby to help achieve the most efficient labor. There are always two midwives at your birth, your primary midwife who you have sought care with,
and an additional midwife for assisting.
Postpartum & WEllbaby Care
The postpartum and well-baby care looks very different from Dallas Birth. We perform your newborn screening and well-baby visit in the comfort of your home, along with your first postpartum checkup. We then will see you a minimum of 3 more times postpartum to ensure your and your baby’s health and emotional well being. Adjusting to a new baby can be much easier with regular support and resources.
Photography by: Eva Diana and Melanie Baldi